Welcome to my portfolio page. Here is a collection of my various programming projects that showcase my skillset and interest in Software Engineering.

Name Description URL Tech Stack Live Demo
Portfolio Website The current website you're on! This website was created using Python Flask for the web framework. HTML, CSS, and Javascript were used along with Bootstrap, a CSS framework for more advanced styling. This website has a navigation bar that allows you to explore the six pages: Home, About, Resume, Portfolio, Jams, and Contact. https://github.com/ablake12/Portfolio-Website/ Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Figma, Azure App Service Demo
Book Club Go API This project is a REST API that manages a virtual Book Club using SQLite for storing and managing the the data. Users can interact with this API through a User Interface or through Postman. This project has the functionality to make calls including filtering read and unread books, add a book, update the current book, update reviews, delete a book, and more. This project uses the Gin package in Go as its web framework. https://github.com/ablake12/Book-Club-Go-API/ Go, Gin, HTML, CSS, Javascript Demo
Book Club Python API This project is a REST API that manages a virtual Book Club using SQLite for storing and managing the the data. Users can interact with this API through a User Interface or through Postman. This project has the functionality to make calls including get all books, add a book, add a review for a book, update reviews, delete all books, and more. This project uses the Flask library in Python as its web framework. https://github.com/ablake12/Book-Club-API Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript Demo
Document Summary Tool This project allows a user to get an extractive or abstractive summary of a pdf document, a word document, or an online article. These 3 document types are used as input and the documents are extracted and processed. Once the text is processed, the user can choose a summary type and find their summary generated in a text file. https://github.com/ablake12/doc-summary-tool Python, Tkinter, Transformers, Beautiful Soup (bs4) Demo
To-Do List This project is intended for a user to create and manage a to-do list. It has the functionality to add due dates, trigger alerts for past and future due dates, export the checklist to a markdown file, and save the checklist for any future runs. https://github.com/ablake12/To-Do-List Python, Tkinter Demo
Various Python Projects This repository consist of several smaller Python codes. https://github.com/ablake12/Python-projects Python N/A

Welcome to my portfolio page. Here is a collection of my various programming projects that showcase my skillset and interest in Software Engineering.

Name Description Tech Stack
Portfolio Website The current website you're on! This website was created using Python Flask for the web framework. HTML, CSS, and Javascript were used along with Bootstrap, a CSS framework for more advanced styling. This website has a navigation bar that allows you to explore the six pages: Home, About, Resume, Portfolio, Jams, and Contact. Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Figma, Azure App Service
Book Club Go API This project is a REST API that manages a virtual Book Club using SQLite for storing and managing the the data. Users can interact with this API through a User Interface or through Postman. This project has the functionality to make calls including filtering read and unread books, add a book, update the current book, update reviews, delete a book, and more. This project uses the Gin package in Go as its web framework. Go, Gin, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Book Club Python API This project is a REST API that manages a virtual Book Club using SQLite for storing and managing the the data. Users can interact with this API through a User Interface or through Postman. This project has the functionality to make calls including get all books, add a book, add a review for a book, update reviews, delete all books, and more. This project uses the Flask library in Python as its web framework. Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Document Summary Tool This project allows a user to get an extractive or abstractive summary of a pdf document, a word document, or an online article. These 3 document types are used as input and the documents are extracted and processed. Once the text is processed, the user can choose a summary type and find their summary generated in a text file. Python, Tkinter, Transformers, Beautiful Soup (bs4)
To-Do List This project is intended for a user to create and manage a to-do list. It has the functionality to add due dates, trigger alerts for past and future due dates, export the checklist to a markdown file, and save the checklist for any future runs. Python, Tkinter
Various Python Projects This repository consist of several smaller Python programs. Python